Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Brestia's Liberation

It is now possible for a fresh family to start the Brestian Liberation. The requirements are now
i) Family Level 30 (without boosts)
ii) 50 of each Mega Ore (required during Marchetti's recruitment)
iii) Raven and Bernelli (required during JD's recruitment)
iv) 2 Growth Stones (required during Investigation of Strange Rumor)
v) 10 elemental jewels and 10 pure ottites (required during Veil's recruitment)

Quests involved includes,
Start by talking to Dureum at Byron Port
Kielce(Jeremy) - Unlocks Barrel Recruitment Quest
Brestia Heroes Gathering 1. 2
Marchetti Recruitment Quest - Unlocks Olivia Recruitment Quest
Encounter Three Men (Kess)
Suspicion Lab Research
Red Eye Man (JD Recruitment Quest)
Uncontrollable Marchetti - Unlock Royal Guard Stance (500 pure Aidanium, 500 ice crystal, 500 bulk coal)
Calm before the Storm (Kielce)
Revealed Conspiracy
Kielce Search (Heyran)
Unlock Memory from the Past
Ruined Town - Unlock Olivia Recruitment Quest
Trace he knew abt it
Investigation Strange Rumor
Investigation - Go to Prison (Veil Recruitment Quest)
JD's Boutade (Kess Recruitment Quest)

At the end of the scenario quests, you will have received Kess, J.D., Marchetti, Veil cards as well as the Brestian Liberation Medal. Other character recruitment quests are optional. The basic quest series listed will take approximately 10 hours to complete.
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