Picture of the Day

Picture of the Day

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rio's Fiasco

~ Log of work done on an accursed piece of armor ~

1st try to +7 - Fail, back to +5. +6 Fail, back to +4. +5 passed. +6 Fail, back to +4, +5 passed. +6 passed.
2nd try to +7 - Fail, stayed at +6,
3rd try to +7 - Fail, back to +5, +6 Fail, stayed at +5, +6 Fail, stayed at +5, +6 Fail, stayed at +5, +6 Fail, stayed at +5, +6 Fail, stayed at +5, +6 passed.
4th try to +7 - Fail, stayed at +6
5th try to +7 - Fail, back to +5, +6 passed
6th try to +7 - Fail, stayed at +6
7th try to +7 - Fail, back to +5, +6 fail, stayed at +5, +6 fail, back to +4, +5 passed, +6 passed.
8th try to +7 - Fail, back to +5, +6 passed
9th try to +7 - SUCCESS!

Total: 9 tries to +7 (20eb, 2 +6 imperviums each time), 14 tries to +6(20eb, 1 +5 impervium each time), 4 tries to +5 (20eb each time) resulting in 18 +6 imperviums, 14 +5 imperviums and 540 eb = 578.8k gpts ...
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