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Monday, September 19, 2011

The Elementalist's Headache

~ Handbook of Elements, for the budding rookie dabbling in the occult magicks ~

Choice of Bracelets
- normal attack
1. If you are fighting against a mob with equal mental/elemental resistances, occult assistance is the stance with the strongest damage (ie 2 LOE bracelets). This difference can be up to 20% more, depending on the mob's mental resistance.
2. If the mob is weak on a particular element, occult magic is the stance with the strongest damage (ie 2 elemental bracelets corresponding to the mob's weak element).

- skill
3. Generally, for skill attacks on a mob with equal mental/elemental resistances, Occult Magic has skills with the greatest damage.
4. The relative damage between the various skills depend very much on the mob's elemental resistance. Thus if the mob is weak on a particular element, choosing the right skill can have a significant impact that is multifold.

- rumins
5. You may be surprised, but the difference in skill damage between using Great Elemental Rumin, Great Obsidian and Great Spudomene is minimal, less than 1-2%. Further, compared to not using any rumins, the difference in damage ranges around 5%.
6. Against a mob of equal mental/elemental resistances, the choice of an elemental rumin is irrelevant. All has the same damage. Naturally, if the mob is weak against a particular element, using a matching rumin will produce some effect.

- in a nutshell,
1. If the mob has no particular elemental weakness, any elemental rumin works just as well, but if it has a particular weakness, then the matching elemental bracelet should be used. Thus, matching the elemental rumin to the elemental bracelets is a good idea.
2. If the mob is particularly weak against an element, use Occult Magic with matching elemental bracelets and spam the relevant elemental skill (forget about Occult Assistance apart from the initial buff).
3. If the mob is equally strong on all elements, elementalists perform poorly. But if you must use one, use 2 LOE bracelets, and skills for Occult Magic or normal atk on Occult Assistance.
4. Finally, dun just stand there and mull over your options... You'd be DeAD by the time you decide!
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